
Stoptober: A Potential ‘Win Win’ for Both the Employer and the Employee.

Stoptober is a significant public health campaign in the UK, encouraging smokers to quit for the month of October and beyond.  I’m all for free choice but knowing a number of people who have benefited from this campaign in the past, I think it’s worthy of note as it has benefits for all in terms of health and financial benefits (to individuals, but also society).

A healthier workforce has the potential to be a more productive and cost effective one when it comes to claims, and saving the cost of cigarettes at a time where family budgets are stretched can only help people’s financial wellbeing.

Launched by Public Health England, it emphasises the collective spirit of thousands attempting to quit at the same time.   

Research indicates that participants are five times more likely to quit for good after abstaining for 28 days, and with Stoptober being a clearly defined ‘date in the diary,’ it offers a strong motivation for people to partake (and to encourage one another).

The campaign highlights the health risks associated with smoking, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases (if that were going to stop people in isolation, the pictures on cigarette packets would have succeeded), but more importantly, emphasizes the positive health outcomes of giving up, like improved breathing, energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Moreover, at a time when personal finances continue to be stretched, the financial savings from quitting smoking are substantial, with the average cost of a pack of 20 in the region of £16 at the time of writing (and the price continues to increase year on year). 

If you consider average consumption to be in the region of 9.6 cigarettes per smoker per day – that could be in the region of £2,800 a year based on £7.68 a day saved! A strong motivation in itself!

Given Broadstone’s areas of expertise, we see positives in terms of mortality, morbidity, financial and physical wellbeing – with the potential, among other health improvement drives, to positively impact claims and insurance pricing too.    

Stoptober provides a variety of support mechanisms, including digital tools and community support, which play a crucial role in helping people gain the confidence to quit smoking. 

The campaign’s success is also supported by research from institutions like UCL through their Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group, which has informed its strategies and timing. It is believed that Stoptober has seen around 350,000 people quit smoking each year since launching in 2013.

If you are reading this outside the window of Stoptober, don’t forget that you can always find support through other resources such as NHS Stop Smoking Services.

Often, we talk about Return on Investment (ROI) when we look at health and wellbeing, and Stoptober has shown a significant uptake of people trying to improve their health outcomes, which, of course, has a positive impact on the health of the pool of workers more generally. So, participation in and success resulting from the campaign could result in a ‘win-win’ for both the employer and the employee:

For the Employer

Improved Productivity: Employees who quit smoking generally have fewer health problems, which can lead to less sick leave and higher productivity. This can significantly increase ROI for employers.

Lower Healthcare Costs: Employers may spend less in the longer term on health insurance premiums and other health-related expenses for employees who quit smoking and have other healthier habits. 

Enhanced Corporate Image: A company that promotes healthy habits like quitting smoking may be seen as a more desirable place to work, which can help attract and retain top talent.

For the Employee

Health Benefits: Quitting smoking can have significant health benefits, reducing the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. 

Cost Saving: The cost of cigarettes adds up significantly over time. By quitting smoking, employees can save a substantial amount of money, which can represent a significant return on the investment of participating in the Stoptober campaign.

Stoptober is one example of preventative action. We’d be happy to have a conversation with you about how else we can help and share with you our other thoughts on preventative healthcare and risk (and cost) management strategies.

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