Employee Benefits

Employee health

Top Industries That Provide Private Healthcare Benefits to Employees

A combination of the ever-increasing backlog of appointments, the additional new strain on NHS waiting times brought on by strikes, and the growing demand for access to services have meant many people have foun...

Employee health

Private Medical Insurance (PMI)

Written By: Brett Hill | Last Updated: March 2023 Brett has over 25 years’ experience in the health and protection market, having held senior positions with both insurers and intermediaries in sales, under...

Employee Benefits Consulting
Employee Benefits

Creative Ways of Communicating Employee Benefits

Written By: Andrew Mobberley | Last Updated: March 2023 Andrew has over 25 years of experience working within the employee benefits industry. He is primarily focused on our technology offering, but also help...

Employee Benefits

Starting up in the UK

One of the challenges when starting up a new business in the UK is knowing what to do about employee benefits. Whether you are expanding from another country, buying into an existing UK operation or just settin...

Employee Benefits

Best Company Perks to Boost Staff Productivity

What Are Company Perks? On top of core employee benefits, job perks are additional benefits that can help improve staff motivation and promote job fulfilment. Having a good offering of job perks can help when t...

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Employee health

As the NHS waiting list reaches staggering 7.2 million, private medical insurance (PMI) demand is on the up

Recent figures released by the British Medical Association (BMA) show that since 2019, England’s NHS waiting list has grown by a staggering 63% surpassing 7 million by the end of 2022. Worryingly for employers,...

Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits: What Are They and How Do They Work?

Written By: Andrew Mobberley | Last Updated: January 2023 Andrew has over 25 years of experience working within the employee benefits industry. He is primarily focused on our technology offering, but also helps...

Employee Benefits

5 Strategies to deploy in improving staff retention

One of the biggest challenges for employers and HR teams at present is how to retain staff. Whilst recruitment is also challenging, having effective strategies in place to improve retention can in themselves ea...

Employee Benefits

15 job perks you need to be providing for your employees

What are job perks? On top of core employee benefits, job perks are additional little “fringe benefits” if you like, that can be added onto more substantial employee benefits to help improve staff motivation. H...